Friday, August 18, 2006

A flood of faces

Friday, August 18

The last few days have been on the slow end for me, for sure, but they sure haven't been slow for the rest of the campus. Everyday, more and more people come to campus. Our building is starting to fill out, as is the rest of the school. With that, us obrunis are getting less and less attention from "any-work boys," people who are willing to do just about any service for us, but especially laundry. They are rather annoying. I have a policy now that for every time someone asks to do my laundry, I do a load myself.

The other nice thing is that there are more and more people who can actually be legitimate friends and not professional friends. Yesterday, Joe and I met a kid named Brimah who had a great interest in us. It's very cool to meet people around here, and actually become friends with them because of the complete difference in culture. They have questions about America, and we have questions about Ghana. It makes for very interesting conversation.

I have also found in my few weeks here that there are two different types of obruni -- A type and B type. The A types are the ones that when they see another obruni, they approach them, and ask questions. The B types are the ones that put their heads down and walk by quickly. I find that I am an A type.

Today, we met a kid from Tulane named Luke, one from Northwestern named Mia, and one from Brandeis named Yonina (I'm sure I butchered that spelling). And yesterday, we met some kids from Sweden. It's all very interesting to see the diversity, even among us obrunis.

Tonight should be a pretty good night. Rich Love and Yaw the Chicken Man are in my future, possible followed by Ryan's Irish Pub. Located in Osu -- the upscale part of Accra -- Ryan's is the only place in Ghana with tap Guinness. Sweet.

Tomorrow is going to be very interesting. Definitely in for a unique experience.

Out for the night.



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