Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A day in the sun : - )

August 8: Free day

Today was a huge relief from the hustle and bustle of the last 10 or so days. Last night was our final night in our temporary rooms, and this morning we moved into our new digs in Legon Hall. Far superior to what we had in Volta. This place has huge rooms, plenty of shelf space, and more room in general. I won't have my roommates feet in my face when I sleep anymore.

Moving in took a little bit of time. But we were greatly rewarded with a trip to the beach. We quickly learned that our free day wasn't going to be so free. We had to pay for the bus, pay for the tro-tro and pay to get onto the beach. Whatever. It was a spectacular day and blowing 2 dollars on transport and entrance fees wasn't going to kill my day.

It was a fantastic weather day -- the first really beautiful sunny day. The beach was perfect. It was a little touristy but not too bad. Everybody is selling something, and I really just wanted to relax, swim, and throw the frisbee around.

This side of the Atlantic is as warm -- maybe warmer -- than the US side. The tides were pretty weak today so swimming was no problem.

Through all of this though, I didn't have a thing to eat. That quickly changed. Upon returning from the beach, most of us went to Pizza Inn, a very cheap pizza place. Today was two-fer Tuesdays: two pizzas for the price of one. Surprisingly, the pizza wasn't so bad. Then again, anything is good after not eating for the whole day.

While eating, I met a kid named Joel through a friend who is here for school. He found out about Buduburam Refugee Camp and really wanted to go. I told him about AfricaAid and we made plans to go to the camp on Sunday. I'm super-stoked.

I hope everyone enjoyed the pictures. There will be more to come.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've got to eat, Lee - you're a growing boy! Do I sound like a mother?!?!?

Pics are beautiful. Glad you had some free time for yourself today. Looking forward to more adventures.

Stay safe,
love cynthia

5:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lee this is incredible! Thanks for sharing...take care, have fun and keep it coming!


8:46 PM  
Blogger sammi said...

lee - i love how you love kids, and love the kids there. sharing these experiences with us is appreciated and amazing. thanx.

i missed you so the other night when for the first time in ages i heard "so what is the song . . . . " amazing what fun that was!

your updates are great, and your attitude is awesome. have the time of our lives there.

and stay close, love ya,


4:19 PM  

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