Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Things You Can Buy without Getting Out of a Car

Wednesday, September 27

Since the holiday weekend, things have been slow. Slow is good, though. I needed a break. Nothing really to speak of. Pizza Tueday was solid as always. I feel so good after eating all that pizza, crappy as it is.

One class today: the one I like -- Organization Theory. Gov got cancelled, thank God.

Considering I have nothing of substance to say and because I like to keep my blog fresh (ahem Joe and Ryan hahahahahha), I've decided to put this up.

One of the charming, and sometimes annoying things, about Ghana is that everybody has something to sell. The cool thing is that you don't even have to make an effort to get them; they just bring their item up to you while in a tro-tro, taxi or bus.

So without further ado, here is the list of things you can buy without getting out of a car:

Combs, tissues, apples, toilet paper, plantain chips, broom, mop, chocolate, water, ice cream, yougurt, mentos, fried doughballs, meat pie, newspaper, map, sunglasses, gum, oranges, groundnuts, ashfoam, pens, watermelon, spring rolls, remotes controls, pineapple, tampico, papaya, soap, matches, washclothes, crackers, socks, sandals, q-tips, candles, notepads, bread, cheese, mosquito coils, soymilk, popcorn, carrots, car mats, flags, make-up, palm wine, flashlights, fans, shrimp, eggs, kerosine lamps, bandanas, magazines, plungers, car freshners, cell phone units, watches, sugar cane.

And more I'm sure.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much is a hooker???? I bet something like 1 BILLION CITIES! I love you and YOU are the God amongst mear mortals.


11:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok...Ashfoam??? What the heck is that?

1:35 PM  

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